MCC Course at Airbus A320

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To become a commercial pilot and obtain the ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) it is necessary to take the MCC Course at Airbus A320.

MCC stands for Multi-Crew Cooperation, and this course trains students and future airline pilots about the coordination between pilot and co-pilot necessary in a cockpit.

The practical part of the MCC Course is carried out in an Airbus A320 simulator (APT, FNPT II MCC), a European made and one of the most used planes worldwide. You will also have airline pilots as instructors who will provide you with quality training to operate a commercial aircraft between pilot and co-pilot.

Training objectives

  • To complete Multiple Crew Coordination (MCC) training with an Airline Mindset.
  • To learn how to fly in a multi-crew cockpit.
  • To get used to jet engines (high speed, power and acceleration; slow deceleration).
  • To prepare for airline calls.
  • From flight preparation to post-flight debriefing in as close to real airline environment.

the training will be carried out with airline pilot instructors

Student Requirements

  • ME / IR Completed.


  • 25 theoretical hours.
  • 20 FNPT II MCC Super King Air B200 simulator (turboprop) hours or 20 FNPTII MCC Airbus 320 simulator (jet) hours.

Duration: 7 days

  • 2 days: CRM theory.
  • 5 days: Briefing / debriefing + simulator 4 hours/day

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