icao english exam
official exam in panamediaYou can now take the ICAO aeronautical English exam at Panamedia, a pilot school based in Valencia and Palma de Mallorca
English level requirements in Aviation
In March 2003, ICAO amended the 1st Annex of the Chicago Convention to add the requirement to be examined in the use of the language in which they make their transmissions in radiotelephone communications to all aeronautical personnel; airplane and helicopter pilots, navigators, flight mechanics, and air traffic controllers.
The new requirements came into force on March 5, 2008, and are mandatory for anyone who requires an issue of their license. Those who do not have a Level 4, 5 or 6 of English language competence, in a scale that a rating goes from 1 to 6, will not be able to fly outside their native country. Including PPL-licensed pilots operating outside of controlled airspace, and excluding pilots with national PPL licenses.