The modular course is divided into the next phases:



Private Pilot license

The first part of the modular commercial pilot course consists of theoretical and flight training with a basic single-engine airplane (45 flight hours).


Time Building

Next, you will perform 101 hours of flight as Pilot in Command (PIC), of which 50 hours will be cross-country flights (XC).


Theoretical ATPL(A) – Airline Transport Pilot

Here you will carry out the most complete theoretical training. You can consult the Study Plan of the ATPL (A) course, by clicking here.


Instrumental Single Engine Rating (IR-SEP)

Requirements: 50 cross-country (XC) hours as Pilot in Command (PIC).

Training: 35 hours in Advanced Simulator + 15 hours of IFR time in a Single Engine aircraft.


Visual Multi Engine Rating (MEP-VFR)

Requirements: 70 hours as Pilot in Command (PIC).

Training: 7 hours of Theory + 6 hours in a Twin Engine aircraft.


Single Engine Instrument Rating to Multi Engine Instrument Rating conversion IR-SEP > IR-MEP

Requirements: IR-SEP + MEP-VFR rating.

Training: 3 hours in Advanced Simulator + 2 hours in a Twin Engine aircraft.


Night Flight Rating

Requirements: PPL license.

Training: 5 hours in Basic Single Engine aircraft at night.


Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Requirements: 200 hours in total. Exam Requirements: 100 hours of Pilot in Command (PIC).

Training: 10 hours in Basic Single Engine aircraft + 5 hours in a Advanced Single Engine aircraft.

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